Welcome to the 28th and final day of the 30 minus 2 days of writing challenged hosted by Nicky and Mike of "We Work For Cheese". Please visit Nicky's post for the cheesy wrap up.
As we listen in we hear two friends dealing with the stress of the challenge.
Hey, you can't wear that, it's too cheesy. You'll look like a tramp.
Now hold on a minute, I yelled back, and the next thing I knew we were arguing to test the bonds of friendship.
You'd better put out the light before someone sees you in that.
Well my home is my haven and I'll do what I want. Lemme see that. Are you texting someone? I read French you know.
Fifteen minutes later the mayor pulls up. I just got back from my road trip and I heard the fighting. I haven't heard anything like that since the day I met Abraham Lincoln. I was being charged with an (unintended) misuse of campaign funds. By the way, do you know where I can get a good blintz? I'm starving.
Mr. Mayor, would you please shut up or else we'll have to ask you to leave.
That music is awful, can you please change the station.
Oh, so now you're telling me what to listen to?
I'm outta here.
Whatever, dude.
Home at last, he pops open a beer while dialing the pizza shop. A large everything, please.
As for me, I crash on the couch, flip on the TV and watch the shopping channel. It's the little things, you know.
They are showing the latest fashion in footwear. Where's the phone? Wait, I liked the other shoe better. Last Train to Clarksville is playing in the background.
There's a noise coming from the back yard...dogs? Compulsively, I check the door for the umpteenth time. I know it's absurd, but I can't help it. What's that Confusius says "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
I don't know if that's fact or fiction, or if the outfit is cheesy, or if the shoes will match, and did the mayor ever get his blintz?
This has been a very weird day, and that's why I got drunk.