Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

Winter Haiku

 January brings
Waves of cold both north and south
Bundle up, ya hear!

AI Generated Artwork

Monday, December 18, 2023

Make me a Dream

Image source: Pixabay

Dream maker, dream maker, dream maker man
Make me a dream in your dream maker pan

Make it with sugar and make it with spice
Make it with everything happy and nice

Make it with silver and make it with gold
Make it with stories that ne'er have been told

Make it with sunshine and make it with rain
Make it with wheels from a slow moving train

Make it with ashes and make it with pine
Make it with wonder and all things divine

Dream maker, dream maker, dream maker man
Make me a dream in your dream maker pan

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Thankful Heart

Some thoughts for the season when emotions may be a little more intense. Take time to slow down and let go of the negative and embrace the positive. 

I wrote this as a Facebook post, and decided to expand it into a blog post. 

It seems that our holiday season is hurried and harried and oftentimes we find ourselves frustrated, short-tempered and on edge when we should be happy, relaxed and thankful. It is our culture of having and getting, giving and receiving the biggest and best of gifts, when it really should be about giving from the heart and being thankful for what we have. This goes back to what we learned earlier in the week from The Wisdom of the Doughnut.

Let us reflect on this a moment and then go forward with a different mindset and an open heart.

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Simply Complicated

"You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. I'm looking forward for your next post, I'll try to get the hang of it!" 

Wow, it sounds like my writing must be so profound and so complex that it will take some period of time for them to "get the hang of it". I know you are wondering what masterpiece spawned such feelings of self-doubt. Am I next in line for a coveted Pulitzer Prize? I think not, but you be the judge. Here are the words that were "too complicated" for my commenter.

Puffy white clouds bring
Peaceful daydreams and lazy
days then drift away

Twas but a simple Haiku, paired with the above photo. So I won't be taking home the prize, and I sure could have used that 15 grand for a nice vacation somewhere under big, puffy white clouds.

If you enjoyed this post, please leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


This is Day 17 of the 2017 edition of the 20 Days of Chill writing challenge hosted by P. J. at A ‘lil HooHaa. Today's prompt is Dreams. Please visit the other participants for more adventures.

Puffy white clouds bring
Peaceful daydreams and lazy
days then drift away

If you enjoyed this post, please leave your calling card in the comment section or click the visitors box below to let me know you stopped by.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

That Darn Ball

This is Day 4 of the 2017 edition of the 20 Days of Chill writing challenge hosted by P. J. at A ‘lil HooHaa. Today's prompt is I Found a Ball. Please visit the other participants for more stories.

I found a ball
upon a wall
I picked it up
I dropped my cup
I sat down
with a frown
upon a stump
with a thump
oh my dear
what's that I hear
are those bees
I scrape my knees
away I run
not having fun
may I say
it's not my day
I know it's lame
I lay the blame
upon that darn ball
that is all

If you enjoyed this post, please leave your calling card in the comment section or click the visitors box below to let me know you stopped by.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Autumn's Glory

Their fiery colors
Set the afternoon ablaze
Nature's off her meds

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Playing With Words

Rule #1 This is just for fun.

Choose a letter A-Z

Write down the first 5 words that come to mind beginning with that letter. Don't think of anything except that they start with that letter. Totally random, non-related words are better. Don't use variations of the same word such as bake, baking, baker, or groups such as food, feast, flavor.

Next write a poem or micro post of about 50 words, or up to 10 lines for a poem.

This is a fun mental exercise - not creating a masterpiece, so take about five minutes and see what you come up with.  

Rule #2 Please share your gem in the comments section.

Image Source: sweeter-than-reality

For mine I chose H.

My words were:  hollow, hump, heavy, heart, hook

Upon a hollow log
Sat a heavy frog
He jumped and jumped
Over the mossy hump
Bless his little heart
That old frog was smart
Until he landed in the brook
And he got caught
Upon an old fish hook

Monday, July 14, 2014

Quote of the Week

Colors are the smiles of nature. - Leigh Hunt

Tulip Poplar
Flowers and trees
Butterflies and bees
Sunrises and sunsets
Are all nature's smiles

Friday, May 16, 2014

Night Falls

As night falls
And evening fades
Painted into subtle shades
Of purple, blue and gray

Thursday, February 20, 2014


It is day 20 of the Third Second Annual 30 Minus 2 Days of Writing challenge hosted by Nicky and Mike at We Work for Cheese and today's prompt is Chaos.  For more chaotic tales check out WFCC.

This is my brain on 30M2DoW.  When you write it like that it sounds like some deadly chemical or a drug used for mind control.  Oh no! Anyone know if there's an antidote?

Troubled brain
Clogged up
Bogged down
No refrain

My eyes close

Panic grows

My eyes open

Start again

Thursday, February 13, 2014


It is day 13 of the Third Second Annual 30 Minus 2 Days of Writing challenge hosted by Nicky and Mike at We Work for Cheese and today's prompt is Incommunicado.  Now get on over to WWFC and see what the other participants put forth.

The airwaves fell silent
And my screen went blank
What in tarnation
Could this be a prank

I can't hear your words
I can't see your face
We've been disconnected
With nary a trace

Who is behind this
I want to know
Why we are suddenly

Image Source:

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Fruit of the Vine

It is day 5 of the Third Second Annual 30 Minus 2 Days of Writing challenge hosted by Nicky and Mike at We Work for Cheese and today's prompt is The Empty Bottle.   So toddle on over to WWFC and see the contributions of the other participants.

The fruit of the vine
Makes a wine so fine
By the bottle or glass
It goes fast
Then the bottle is empty

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Colors softly blend
As from a master's palate
On the eventide

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Road to Nowhere

Photo by Mark Haley
Spying an old man
Sitting beneath a tree
I pause and asked him kindly
Just where does this road lead
The man just sat and stared 
Beware the road to nowhere
Was all that he would say

Friday, March 22, 2013

Nursery Rhyme Redo: One Potato, Two Potato

Image Source: Wikipedia
One potato, two potato
Red potato, blue potato
Three potato, four potato
Got to have more potato
Five potato, six potato
This gal really loves potatoes

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dear Spammers

"Well done webmaster.  Keep up good work.  I will come back here soon."

I'm sure you will!  I see the evidence every day in my spam folder.  Since I so rudely delete all your efforts to get my attention, here is my response to you.

Dear Spammers,
Image Source: Kachina Daze

Thank you for caring about my health and beauty.  I appreciate you turning me on to sunscreens, lip gloss, and some questionable anti-aging substances that promise to transform me back to my youth.  Which has what to do with "The Value of Comments"?

And what woman wouldn't want some cheap Prada?  Interestingly left on "Don't Let Your Bundle of Joy Cost a Bundle"  Appropriate don't you think?

Thanks also for bombarding me with male-specific drugs and products, just in case I am planning on a secret gender-changing procedure.  This was left on one of my rewritten nursery rhymes "This Little Piggy".  Makes me wonder who the little piggy has been talking to.

To help me pay for all these wonderful products and services, you offer me a special "payday loan".  True poetry to my ears left on "Shades of Summer".  

So thank you for sharing, and for staying on topic. Until next time...


Roses to Rainbows

Friday, February 22, 2013


 It is day 22 of the 30 minus 2 days of writing hosted by Nicky and Mike of We Work For Cheese. Today's prompt is "Compulsively".  Visit Nicky's post to read stories from the other participants.

Alone in the dark
Compulsively counting sheep
Til dawn breaks the sky

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hold On

It is day 2 of the 30 minus 2 days of writing hosted by Nicky and Mike of  We Work For Cheese.  This is written for the prompt "Hold On".  Check out the list on Nicky's post to see who else is holding on.

Hold on
to your dreams
to your beliefs
to your goals
to yourself

Let go
of your fears
of your worries
of your problems
of yourself

your talents
your uniqueness
your imagination

Friday, December 21, 2012

Nursery Rhyme Redo: This Little Piggy

Image Source:

One little piggy went to market
Two little piggies went to Rome
Three little piggies had a good time
All the little piggies got stoned
But not one little piggy  
followed Mary home
Oh wait...that's another story.