One moment of patience may ward off great disaster.
One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.
- Chinese Proverb
Now this is not a life-altering disaster, he simply rebuilds his web and begins the wait process. In the meantime, maybe he has learned something.
What is our take away from this? Patience is the key to accomplishment and impatience can lead to failure to meet your goals.
How can we apply this to our daily lives? Work, school, relationships, driving, and even dinner.
Patience is an virtue, and often it is kindness in disguise. According to our quote, patience is the difference between success and failure. I agree that this may often be the case.
However, with regard to some of the other daily instances of patience, it is simply showing kindness. For example, the elderly lady maneuvering the parking lot. We may be behind her, quietly (to ourselves) admonishing her for being slow, while she is being careful and doing the best she can. To allow her to move at her own pace without harsh reaction is kindness.
Also true with relationships. Patience with each other instead of grumbling about their "fill in the blank" is showing kindness as well.
Most instances of patience is not life altering, it is simply us waiting our turn. What is your take on this?