Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2011

Deep Thoughts

Happy, Sad
Puzzled, Mad
Bored out of your Gourd
Agitated, Frustrated
Revolving, Evolving
Filled with Joy
Filled with Pain
Preaching, Teaching
Forward Reaching
Magic, Tragic
Receiving, Achieving
Fantastic, Spastic
Hot, Cold
Timid, Bold
Fearful, Cheerful
Shrieking, Freaking
Calm before the Storm
How do you do
Not a Clue
What does this Friday say to You?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: It's Raining, It's Pouring

It's raining, it's pouring
And the cat is snoring
Upon the pillow beside my head
And there he will be until morning

This seems quite appropriate considering the rainy day here.

Posted for dVerse poetry.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Faces of the Sea

Once upon a midnight blue
I sailed a sea of green
A more gorgeous sunrise
My eyes have never seen

Once upon a night so dark
The sea now ebony
And that perfect sunrise
Is just a memory

Written for dVerse poetry

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Image Source: Emma Paperclip
Peter Peter pumpkin eater
Had a wife who was a cheater
He caught her in a big fat lie
And baked her in a pumpkin pie

Posted for dVerse Poetry.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Am Free

Clinging to the leaf
I left only a shell of
My previous life

Written for dVerse poetry.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Deer Roam Free

My husband's brother and family live in a small town a few miles from us.  Their property backs up to a large park, so this is a normal sight in their yard.

When we were leaving a few nights ago, there were two deer in the yard just past the driveway, two more in the yard across the street, and we spotted several more as we left the neighborhood. 

The deer roam free
In our town
Beware the deer
At sundown

When darkness falls
And shadows flee
In our town
The deer roam free

Fortunately, they also come out during the afternoons for photo ops.  Hubby got this with his cell phone.  The deer rarely make an appearance like this when I'm there with my camera.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mountain View

Afton Mountain Vineyards

Mountainous backdrop
Layered behind the vineyard
Like smokey shadows

Written for dVerse poetry.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Jack and Jill

Image Source: Wikipedia

Jack and Jill took some pills
They got from their drug dealer
Jack fell down upon the ground

And Jill called an herbal healer

Posted for dverse poetry.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Old Mother Hubbard

Old Mother Hubbard
Had ants in her cupboard
So she couldn't take out a loan
But she posed with such flair
That the banker did stare
And tossed her poor dog a bone

I'll bet she didn't have ants like these!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Humpty Dumpty

Image source:  merlinprincesse's photostream
Humpty Dumpty was fat and grumpy
And off of the wall he fell
He landed astride a nobleman's horse
Who tossed him into the well

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Birds of a Feather

Pink Flamingo at the Como Zoo
Birds of a feather dressed in leather 
Danced with the pigs in a line 
The rats and mice held their own 
And formed a chorus line

For those of you (like me) not familiar with the original verse, this is the original "birds of a feather".

Birds of a feather flock together
And so will pigs and swine
Rats and mice will have their choice
And so will I have mine

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Swedish Beauty

From the Como Zoo Conservatory
 Petals of velvet
A delicate rosy hue
A lovely lady
Posted for One Shot Wednesday.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Hey Diddle Diddle

Image source: Curt Merrill
Hey diddle diddle the cat played the fiddle 
and the cow slept in until noon
The little dog did laugh and cavort 
and then he began to croon

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner - All Grown Up

Image Source: Vistavision
Little Jack Horner alone in the corner
Regretting his recent lie
He tippled his rum - said what have I done
I'll be in this mess til I die

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ups and Downs

This end up
Fragile easily broken
Handle with care
There is none
Upside down
Inside out
Outside in
Ripped and torn
Hangs in shreds
In the wind
Bruised and shaken
And then
It stirs
Revived still alive
Rises again
The skies clear
The sun shines
Luck smiles
Once again
Life is good

Posted for One Shot Wednesday

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well"

Ever had a day like this?

It was a typical Tuesday morning at the Y.  After class, I walked out with my friend, Allie, and when we get to my car (actually hubby's car - yes I'm still driving it), she points at the car.  "There's something on your car."  I look, not expecting anything out of the ordinary, and see the front bumper with some vertical black streaks - it still didn't register.  I say "probably just dirt and some bird poop."  

"Hey, there's a note under your wiper" (which is usually an advertisement or someone looking to convert sinners).  It read "Someone hit your car...I didn't get the plate #."  

When I looked at the car again, this is what I saw.

Sad face!  Hey, I was just punched in the nose.

Although I didn't know it at the time, the lady who had the misfortune of backing into the car, was inside at the front desk trying to figure out how to find me.  By the time she came back out to get the license number, I'd already left.

Sometimes you get lucky though, and things aren't as bad as they seem at first.  Here is the after picture.

I'm so happy I can smile again!
Since we were all relieved that the injuries sustained were so easily mended, the fellow most responsible for the repairs (hubby's buddy, Ronnie) wrote this little ditty, obviously influenced by Little Miss Muffet.

Little Miss Linda
Had a little Bender
She hated the new curves and sway
When along came a mender
Who straightened her fender
Now she’s smiling away!

As a result of the little "bender", I met a nice young woman who treated me to lunch as an apology for hitting the car.  Accidents do happen, and all's well that ends well.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Little Miss Muffet

Image source:

Little Miss Muffet
Collapsed on her tuffet
She hated curds and whey
When the little ol' spider
Sat down beside her
She gave her curds away.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Nursery Rhyme Redo: Little Bo Peep

 Little Bo Peep had too many sheep
And the sheriff came to impound them
He locked them away for a year and a day
And dared Bo Peep to find them

Late night produces some strange thoughts, and so this is the first installment of my rewritten nursery rhymes. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Green Giant

Have you ever seen
A pepper big as me
I think I must have fallen
From a giant pepper tree

I was such a handsome fellow
My picture she did take
She sat me on the scale
My weight she didn't fake

When she sliced me open
My secrets to reveal
What she saw I thought
Would surely make her squeal

Posted for One Shot Wednesday