Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Shades of Green

I love the way the
trees caress the summer sky
shades of green on blue

Written for dVerse poetry.


  1. smiles...i do as well...peaceful and colorful...

  2. That made me smile. What a perfect picture and perfectly apt poem!

  3. Hi Linda .. love the Einstein quote - and then the trees - I felt the same way driving down to Cornwall and back this week .. wonderful hues .. and now we have blue sky .. green on blue too!!

    Cheers Hilary

  4. Me too. It's so beautiful when the trees come alive with their green leaves, something which is certainly best appreciated under a lovely blue sky. :-)

  5. Thats sweet...trees caressing the sky...brings a smile. Well done!

  6. Hello all, It seems on the weekends I get so far behind on my responses. Life gets busy, ya know.

    Brian- It is a peaceful scene, especially when those trees are filled with singing birds.

    Nicky- Smiles are wonderful accessories. Glad you liked it.

    ayala- I'm glad! Thanks for stopping by.

    Hilary- Yes, one must not worry about the mistakes and keep tackling new adventures. Green and blue are my two favorite colors.

    Alexandra- Tis a pretty scene no matter where you are. There's nothing quite like such a view.

    Hema- Thank you! I appreciate your visit. :)


Hi, thanks for visiting my humble abode. All comments are read and appreciated.