Saturday, August 1, 2020

Project Obliteration

The dog days of summer are brutal here in the South, and sweat runs in rivers before you have taken three steps. Alas, we must push onward. There is much to be done. Unfortunately, I again failed to take before pictures, so my description shall have to suffice.

This has been an eyesore for years with overgrown vines covering fallen sticks and hiding rocks from past flower gardens. The vines were mostly obliterated with the weed eater and out of control bushes were given a dramatic makeover. It's not finished, but at least it is not the embarrassing mess it was.

Project Obliteration shall continue until all the vines have been...well obliterated.

Garden update: We have gotten a number of shishitos from our one plant. The poblano has several peppers, as well as the bells. One tomato plant has some green tomatoes on it. The other, I think, is too chewed off to bloom. Maybe I can get some carrots planted for fall. Right now it is too stinking hot for tender plants to survive.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

I'm okay and so are you!

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. 
Let this little red leaf remind you that it's okay to be different.
 Be yourself and enjoy your day!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Sky Aglow

Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under! C. JoyBell C.

Original Photo of Roses to Rainbows: St. Pete, FL 2018
It would be a shame to let such beauty go to waste, and as you can see, we did not. This was our view over the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago. My advice, when you see a beautiful sunset, is to drop what you're doing and go enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Shishitos and a Garden Update

This year's garden has not produced much to date...except for these little beauties. These are Shishito peppers and the first thing to be harvested. I'm looking forward to trying those tonight.

My green beans weren't great to begin with and then they got the tops eaten off by, most likely, deer. The same ones that munched on the tomatoes. The tomatoes are surviving, blooming even. We put cages around them and tied white plastic shopping bags on the wire. I read that it might discourage deer.

The bean plants are still hanging in there with a few beans almost big enough to pick, but I didn't see any more blooms. I suppose I will pick what there is an try replanting.

I did get some carrots on my first try, so maybe I'll plant some more for a fall garden.

Other things include parsley, green onions, a zucchini, red and yellow bell peppers and a poblano. And that is how the garden grows so far this year.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Day 2020

Again, a bit sporadic with the posting. Such is life, and life has been busy and we are adjusting to a new normal. I don't know if the new normal will be with us forever or this is just another season. What I do know is that teddy bears are like a big hug, and couldn't we all use a hug now?

I don't know if you are busy or bored, happy or sad or just putting one foot in front of the other, so here is my big teddy bear hug to you. 

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!