This is our beautiful Sophie. She will be 15 years old in May and she came to live with us in November of 2007. At that time we only had Rosie inside, and Dood still lived outside. After he was injured and had to come inside, Sophie had two boys to deal with. Rosie was 10 years old and Dood was 7. She was the baby at 1 1/2, and it was fun to see all the interactions of the three as they sorted out the pecking order. It was soon established that Rosie was the alpha cat, despite his gentle spirit.
However, for the past 6-plus years, Sophie has been the Queen of all she surveys. She visits you in the bathroom, loves life on a pedestal, even if it is just a piece of paper, and give her a box and she is thrilled (it seems a new one arrives every other day).I miss my boys very much, and as much as I would love to open my home and heart to a new furry friend, I think Sophie is perfectly happy as things are and I don't want that to change. So for now, I love my Sophie-girl.
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