Monday, October 14, 2013

Quote of the Week

There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.  - Tay Hohoff 

This is actually Beretta, the stalker cat from next door.  She was helping me with my leaf blowing last week.  Quite often she is there to welcome us home.


  1. AWWWWW A kitty stalker!!!! I love when a kitty runs to you... especially a random neighborhood cat!

  2. Nice Kitty. Some Kittens have Mittens. Have you seen my Long Lost Mittens and Gloves?

  3. I think Beretta wants to adopt you. I have the belief that cats will choose their people. Beretta has good taste:~)

    You know I love the quote!

  4. That's very true. Beretta is a very loving cat :)

  5. What a friendly cat. Most of the cats that get out of the house around here run when they see a person. My own cats are very shy around other people.

  6. Your stalker looks about as helpful as my Lola! :-)

  7. Ahhhh, to be welcomed by a cat indeed! Dogs welcome EVERYone, but to be singled out by a cat means WE are special!

    Can I come help you with your leaf blowing too? Always wanted to use one of those things.

    Lovely to be back in Linda Land.


  8. Katherine- She's mostly sweet, sometimes annoying, and occasionally in a swatting mood.

    Timothy- I've read that story...I think I may still have that book.

    Sara- We've wondered that too. However, we have all we can handle and I don't think she'd make a good inside only cat.

    Babs- Most definitely. She loves attention almost as much as she loves to hunt.

    Cheryl- I think she's a mostly outdoor cat and probably just goes in to eat.

    Nicky- Oh yeah, she is very 'helpful'.

    Jannie- I sure could use the help. I haven't really done a lot yet, but they are starting to fall for real. Probably a lot more this next week since it is going to get cold overnight.


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