Linda- Indeed! Good times, good is good.
Meleah- It is awesome!
Talon- Thanks. I hadn't either until these 3 showed up. There are some small lakes (ponds) in the neighborhood behind us, and they come up from there sometimes when it rains.
Great quote for this morning and begining week!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
Wise Camus.
This is a truly lovely sentiment!
ReplyDeleteAh yes. True friendship is EXACTLY like that. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful quote. And I love those ducks - I've never seen any like those, Linda!
ReplyDeleteDulce- Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteLinda- Indeed! Good times, good is good.
Meleah- It is awesome!
Talon- Thanks. I hadn't either until these 3 showed up. There are some small lakes (ponds) in the neighborhood behind us, and they come up from there sometimes when it rains.
Love the quote and it's perfect for that picture!
ReplyDeleteSara- Those are some interesting ducks. I thought they represented following, leading and walking together.