Friday, July 15, 2011

Dude, you're gettin' a Dell!

Guess who just got a new computer?

Remember the old Dell commercials with Steven?  Seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?  Well in the techno-gadget world it was actually a millennium ago.

I thought the ads were corny but cute.  The Dell dude always made it sound like such a sweet deal!  "Dude, your gettin' a Dell!"

I had been intrigued by the fact that a college student started and ran a computer production business from his dorm room.  I believe in supporting young entrepreneurs, and this ingenuity made the Dell computer compelling. 

I've had several computers over the years, and as with all things technical, we eventually want something bigger, better, faster, with more bells and whistles.  Fast forward to the present.  I needed wanted a new computer.  Hubby got a heads up from one of his co-workers on a getting a good deal on a Dell.  He uses them in a side business and has good success with them, so for a mere one-third the cost of my first computer back in the early 90s, I am the proud owner of a Dell Inspiron.

I guess that makes me a Dudette!

It's my initial foray into Windows 7.  I've been an XP chick for the last 6 years and prior to that it was Win95.  Yeah, I don't exactly jump on the runaway upgrade train.

So, how often do you change with the technological times?


  1. Actually, because my kids always end up using my computer, I've upgraded more often than I would like to admit. I'm currently using a little HP Mini and it's my best friend. :-)

  2. Nicky- This upgrade replaces my desktop PC which is the workhorse where I store my pictures, have my word processor, spreadsheets, paintshop pro, and other software. My laptop is an HP mini that I use a lot, and I love it. Great for travel. I use both for blogging.

  3. Recently got a lap top. Windows 7 after years of XP - no problem. I even set it all up myself.

  4. I have only owned 2 computers over the years, both were Dell computers. When the desktop died (originally Windows ME upgraded to XP) I had to run out and get my current laptop (Vista64). I love Dell, they last forever.

  5. Hi Linda.

    Congrats on your new computer. Hope you two are very happy together :) How often do I change with the technological times...? Hah! Rarely. I'm one of the last to get on board with new technology. Even today I hardly use my cellphone.

  6. I, unfortunately, have been one of the ones that want the "bleeding edge" releases. That is in hardware, I tend to be a release or two behind in software awaiting fixes to the first release of each software I use. But I do tend to get on board with the new software once it stabilizes, mainly because I want to be able to support it for my computer customers should they upgrade or want to know more about the versions.

    I haven't been on a desktop for ages at home, other than a couple that run some full time projects for me, most of what I do has been on a laptop for a long time.

    I do have to say I prefer Toshiba to Dell, at least for laptops...


  7. Anji- Congratulations. Hubby did a lot of the initial setup for me, but I have my share to do. Still working on getting things the way I want them.

    stefani- This is, I think, my 5th desktop system in about 20 years. I still love XP, but am getting used to Windows 7. Did not want Vista.

    Davina- Hi, good to see you. We are getting along nicely - getting things set up. Still have programs to load, etc.

    Don- I don't think we've ever had a Toshiba (well maybe hubby has at work or something). Anyway, my last desktop and my laptop are HP. This is my first experience with Dell.

  8. Hey, I have a Dell, too:~) I'm still Vista, however, but Jim's laptop is Windows 7 and he likes it.

    Congratulations on your new computer. That's so cool:~)

  9. Meleah- Thanks!! I'm enjoying it.

    Sara- I think there are some neat things about Windows 7, especially the snipping tool. So cool. You can grab anything on your screen and save it as a picture.

  10. I always loved it when that guy said, "Dude, you're gettin' a Dell!" Don't know why but I always felt like he and I could be good say-hey-at-the-coffee-machine-at-work friends. More than an acquaintance, less than friends -- just the dude at work who made me laugh.

    Way to go on the new 'puter. I'm the last one on the techno train. Always.


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