Monday, January 3, 2011

Quote of the Week

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't.  - Frank A. Clark

It's always nice to gather with those of like mind.  We feel understood and validated.  However, sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone, to stretch our minds and reach a new level of understanding.

This is our Comfort Zone


  1. Love that photo - they look so comfy and cosy and happy to be in each other's company.

    What a great quote and so very true...

  2. Wonderful quote. I know so many people who only listen to those who validate their own beliefs. That's fine, but you learn nothing. Find out why people differ. Try and understand opposing views. You may learn a lot!

    Love the gatos!

  3. Couldn't agree more, we need to hear the people who don't agree with us as much, maybe more than, those who do.

    Love the picture.

  4. A chair full of warm cats!

    we used to have a friend who we called 'A thorn in the side of democracy'. More was done with her around than with all the 'nodders in agreement' put together.

  5. AWWWWW. I love that photo:~) It's perfect for the quote. How do you find these wonderful quotes?

  6. Can I admit that my favorite part of this post is the kitty picture!? They are so cute and snuggly!! I looked at the pic and admired first and THEN I read. :)

  7. Talon- Rosie might not admit it but he likes his bud pretty good.

    Linda- Thanks. It is just a matter of getting out of that comfort zone.

    Jen- Instead of resolutions, I like to think of goal lists. Maybe this should be on it. They are cute, aren't they?

    Anji- Yes, they do fill it up. I guess your friend used to stir things up a bit.

    Sara- It is the ultimate comfort zone. As for the quotes, there are some good quote sites I use regularly.

    Katherine- Yes, you can admit it. Who could blame you. They are adorable.


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