I caught this really cute pose, and just couldn't resist posting yet another picture of my "babies". Actually, Rosie is my baby, and Sophie is her "Daddy's Girl". They both have their quirks. Rosie is the old timer around here. He will be 13 in June, whereas Sopie is truly the baby of the household at about 3 1/2. We believe she'll be 4 sometime in May.
Sophie (back) and Rosie
This is a shot of Rosie with his other bud, Doodle (or Dood for short). Not to be confused with Dude, although he is that sometimes, too. The reason for the title of this post is that when Doodle was a baby, we think he had an accident involving the under-the-hood area of car (possibly one of ours), that injured his tail, and we had to have it amputated. It is a cute little black stub about 2 inches long, and yes, the hair did grow back, thank goodness. It was quite vulgar looking for a while. He was born in the summer of 2000 and lived outside until Christmas of 2007, about a month after we got Sophie. Now the three of them are friends, and Dood idolizes Rosie. There are more kitty cat stories and pictures where these came from.
Doodle is the black and white one.
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