Thursday, September 24, 2009

What's for Dinner?

Who all likes to eat?  That's a no-brainer.  Now that I've got your attention, who likes to cook?  OK, but do you like to spend hours whipping up a meal that'll be devoured in 10 minutes?  Not if you're like me.  Now sometimes I like to do something special, but here I'm talking about everyday, got to put dinner on the table, cooking.

Tonight I'm fixing cubed steak on the grill.  This is yummy stuff.  I get the angus cubed steak from Harris Teeter, and they know how to do it right.  No gristle or stringy stuff.  Just good meat.  Well, what I'm about to tell you isn't going to make any sense, but it's what I do.  I take a meat mallet and (gently) whack the stuffin' out of it.  But you say it's cubed already.  Right, but what I do is make it thinner and more even.  It cooks on a hot grill in under 2 minutes. 

To keep this quick, I opened a can of green beans, and sliced some potatoes and onions.  When everything is ready, I'll throw on the steak, turn it over and take it off.  Done!

Microwave some yeast rolls, pour some wine and you're good to go.

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