Friday, January 24, 2025

Change is Coming

Does anyone else feel a sense of relief? Change is in the air. 

We have hope where once the future looked bleak.

We see freedom and justice where previously we saw unjustly held political hostages. 

We see common sense returning, pushing out the woke insanity that has been building for years.  

We have freedom of speech again instead instead of being silenced because of our opinions.

We see a return to hiring based on merit and filled by qualified individuals and not based on color, gender, ethnicity or LGB status.

We feel a renewed sense of pride in our country, and not the pride of rainbow colored flag.

These are all things and feelings that have been missing for too long. To paraphrase a fellow blogger, I am glad that the 4 long years of 2020 are finally over. If you know, you know.

Until next time, take care everyone.

*Image is AI generated by GROK.

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