Saturday, December 7, 2024

A New Dawn on the Horizon

Well, it has been a long time since I crossed the threshold here. It's dusty and there are cobwebs everywhere. Apparently I am a poor steward of this blog. However, the light is always on and somewhere there is a broom, so here goes.

It is December 2024, and there is a new dawn on the horizon. Some are looking forward to it, even counting the days. Others are wailing in fear of what they perceive as unimaginable horrors. All I can say is relax, and wait and see before setting out with waving of arms and gnashing of teeth. It will quite likely not be what you fear because you have been programmed to believe the absolute worst. 

Breathe! After all, we have endured the past four years and that has not been pleasant. Lies and propaganda usually aren't. But, we are still here and the future looks brighter than it has in four years.

Having said all that in hopes of calming down the voices screaming in your heads, it will not be an easy ride. Nay it could be very bumpy. What has happened, economically speaking, cannot be fixed in an instant, no matter who holds the figurative reins. No, it could be painful, but think of it as growing pains. We may need to go through some difficult times in order to emerge stronger. 

Yet, in the midst of all this, we also need a social, moral and cultural realignment. We need to return to our core family values. Yes, that is an old and perhaps overused phrase, but nevertheless I believe it is necessary for the continuance of humanity.

So does the very existence of humanity hang in the balance? That is a good question, and one I don't have the answer to, but there are things I do know. The majority of people are decent, hard-working people who care about others. That is evidenced by the outpouring of love and generosity to those suffering from the effects of hurricane Helene in western North Carolina and parts of east Tennessee. No division, no party lines, no cultural differences. Just people helping's a beautiful thing.

Then there is a very small percentage of people who do not conform to the societal norms but do make the biggest noise and call attention to themselves in their desire to be celebrated.

It would be unfair to state that the entire country is morally bankrupt, but some do and this is why. When it is in your face every day, that is eventually all you see. The goal being to normalize abnormal and immoral behavior. We stopped watching TV for this very reason.

TPTB want us divided morally, politically, racially and economically. Heck, they even pitted us against each other based on medical choices. It is up to us to stop this, and we can if, instead of being divided, we stand united. We The People have spoken.

There are many more points for discussion, but that is a post for another day. For now, I leave you with this:  Fact of the day. Born a man, always a man. Born a woman, always a woman. Drugs and surgeries can't change the facts.

Until next time, take care and stay safe.

Image is AI generated for illustration.

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