Monday, March 28, 2016

Let Us Begin

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa

The passing of Winter, the arrival of Spring and the anticipation of Summer represent the past, present and future. With Spring comes a sense of renewal, of life beginning afresh. We need to be present in the here and now and make the most of this day. Shall we begin?

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  1. That is the wonderful thing about spring. Each year when things start blooming and the dreary winter weather starts subsiding, there is a sense of renewal. Great quote for spring.

    1. The only downside is the pollen. My car changes color every Spring.

  2. This is actually very on target for me today. My son was basically given the green light to go live his life however he wants... as per the cardiologist. His defib vest came off so no more "guardian angel" if he goes in to cardiac arrest. His surgery was considered a success, but I loved that backup. But as it says... live today. We can't live in fear. We have only today.

    1. Katherine, I am so glad your son got a clean bill of health. He got a second chance and I'm sure he will make the most of it. So should we!

  3. That really is a great quote and one that makes one think.

    1. Yes, it does. Tomorrow is an assumption, not a given.


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