Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Designer Digs

If you were a kitten, wouldn't you just love to have a great place to play?  My friend Ashley's son, Michael, designed and built this multi-level kitty condo for his two kittens, Sunshine and Shadow. Now they could have gone to the pet shop and purchased a ready-made playhouse, but where would the fun be in that.

The Kitty Play Place Extravaganza
No siree, Michael's kitties were getting a custom made place to climb, play hide and seek, and of course, sleep. The materials consisted of plastic pipe, connectors, carpet and cable ties. 

One of the great things about this design is that it allows you to hang all sorts of interesting things for them to play with and they don't get lost or worse...eaten.

The play house is on their enclosed porch with lots of windows, so it is definitely a feline paradise.  You can see Sunshine relaxing in the window enjoying the morning breeze.

It was a fun project for Michael, and Sunshine and Shadow both appreciate his effort.  Ashley and I also enjoyed sitting in comfortable chairs watching them play, while catching up with each other.

Shadow says "Thank You!"

Sunshine in the window

Also a big thanks today to my good friend, Sara from A Sharing Connection, for using some of my photos in her Story Photo Challenge.  Check out the Mysterious Case of the Missing Aliens and help her solve the mystery.


  1. I love the pictures of the kitties, Sunshine and Shadow. The names are great, as well and perfect for each kitten. The are adorable and make me smile:~)

    Thanks for the mention, but also know your photographs were a great inspiration. Whenever I look at them, I see something new.

    p.s. now I want a kitten!

  2. Sara, they are adorable and we did smile a lot. Michael did a great job with the playhouse. He is very creative and has a great interest in all things scientific, too.

  3. Awww how sweet is that. Those two beautiful faces are so lucky to have such a loving guy create this structure for them. I think it's wonderful.

  4. I will show this to Michael when he gets home. I think he will love it! You will make him feel so special to share his creativity. Thanks for investing in my little one.

  5. Hey Ashley, thanks for visiting. I hope he likes it. I was certainly impressed with his design.


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