Monday, May 20, 2013

Quote of the Week

Image Source:  Wikipedia
Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action.  
 - Benjamin Disraeli

Benjamin Disraeli, the 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, was a British Prime Minister in the mid 1800's, as well as the author of numerous fiction and non-fiction writings.

I must admit this was one of the more difficult quotes to get a handle on.  Here are my thoughts on this.

If thought is the child of action, does that not presume that we have acted without thinking, and that upon reflection (thought) we discover that the result of that action is experience.  

In other words, when we think about what we have done and draw conclusions, what remains, good or bad, is experience.


  1. HHHMMMM...tricky quote. You are right it is a bit difficult to grasp the meaning of that one. Great food for thought. It will have me thinking about it.

  2. You're right - that IS a confusing / tricky quote.

    But I like your interpretation:

    "When we think about what we have done and draw conclusions, what remains, good or bad, is experience."

  3. "Thought is the child of action." I wish that were a little more so in my life! I have so many "plans!"

  4. I like this quote. Yes, we have to live life and take chances and experience things (and try to recall those experiences once we're faced with choices again!)

  5. Cheryl- It does take some thinking.

    Meleah- Thank you!

    Katherine- Thought or action?

    Talon- Indeed we do.

  6. Now my head hurts.

    Thanks a lot.



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