Monday, November 19, 2012

Quote of the Week

Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems. - unknown

While ignoring your problems won't make them go away, it is always better to focus on what is right in your world than to constantly dwell on what is wrong.


  1. "While ignoring your problems won't make them go away, it is always better to focus on what is right in your world than to constantly dwell on what is wrong. "

    Thank you. I needed to hear that today.

  2. It's what I usually do, but it's a bit hard at the moment. I am trying though :)

  3. Somebody knew I needed to hear thissssss!!!!!! :)

  4. Hi Linda .. so very true - problems will fade, or be overcome - time to tackle them with a smile .. and then they look totally unthreatening ..

    Cheers and enjoy your Thanksgiving .. Hilary

  5. It is strange how we often tend to focus more on negative and problematic things in our lives, even though there are probably a lot more of positive and good things going on around us than we pay attention too.

    Thanks for the reminder, Linda. :-)


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