Monday, June 14, 2010

Quote of the Week

photo from wikimedia
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.  
- Henry David Thoreau

Several people can look at the the same scene, object, picture or person and, asked to describe what or whom they've seen, each relate a different description.  It's what we see in our surroundings and our friends that really counts.


  1. Great quote. Our 'views' are truly personal and definitely the neat thing about a shared experience - always unique.

  2. Talon- You are right about being unique. I didn't realize until I had selected my quote for this week how much it related to the picture story right below it. Each of us look at those pictures and have a different view.

  3. Very true. Just talk to anyone who has witnessed an accident or crime. It won't be the same scene the last person described.

  4. Hilary- thanks for the visit. With accidents things happen quickly and it is harder to relate the details, thus increasing the likelihood of discrepancies.


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