Just me here, pondering on the day. I haven't accomplished much today. We started the day with our usual homemade waffles. Yeah, the kind made in a waffle maker, not popped into the toaster. This has been a Sunday morning ritual for quite a while. Backing up a bit, the day actually started with me feeding Rosie some of his mush food (canned cat food - this time it was beef), and I crawled back into bed for a few minutes. We got up to the sound of throwing up - on the bathroom carpet. That would be Rosie - I guess the beef didn't set too well. This was the first time since implementing the new food that he has "lost his cookies" so maybe it was that one can/flavor.
After breakfast we made a trip to Wal-mart for shoe laces, milk, eggs, cheese and, of all things, transmission fluid. Now we've got to keep that truck running as it's my sole source of transportation these days. No luck in the car search this weekend. Anyway, we got the truck back on track at least for now. We'll get our mechanic to check it out and hopefully find out what's causing the leak. Just one more thing on the ever-increasing heap of "stuff to do".
I did talk with my friend Ashley for a while. She (and the kids) are doing better after a round of strep throat tore through their household. Kevin was the only one who escaped the attack.
As for the rest of the day, I have just been hanging out spending time on the computer, checking out my regular haunts plus a few new, interesting reads. The weather has warmed up this weekend, but I stayed in just kind of bummed about Rosie and his health issues. We need to take him back to the vet soon for a re-check on his sugar level. We're pretty sure he's become diabetic since he's drinking a lot more water and his sugar level was 485 last time. We're hoping a change in diet with reward us with a reversal of his condition. It does happen sometimes. He had a different variety this afternoon and all seemed fine, and I didn't find any more "decorations" on the floor.
I wound up with a sinus headache late this afternoon. Aren't those miserable? Dinner time rolls around and I opened the fridge, pulled out eggs, English muffins, butter (Smart Balance) and some leftover sausage patties. That was my dinner. Yum! No, not really, but it was food. So the day wasn't all that exciting, but it was indeed a day, each is unique in it's own way, and beats the heck out of the alternative wouldn't you say?
So, how was your day?
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