Monday, January 25, 2010

Saved by the Dinner Bell

It was another dreary, rainy day here yesterday.  Hubby is working on a huge project at work, which is long, drawn out, very time consuming, and will be the major focus this year.  As such, he had to go into the office after breakfast, so I had the day to myself.  Nothing unusual since most days are that way, but this was SUNDAY!  I just puttered around the house and finished reading a book.  Yes, an actual print on paper book.  I was just finishing up my lunch of a fish stick sandwich.  Don't laugh, fish sticks make a good "fish filet" sandwich.  I always get the Trident brand.  They sell them at Costco in a big bag.  But that's way off topic.  So as I was finishing my sandwich, the phone rang.  It was Ashley inviting us (or me in this case) to dinner.  Now I am falling behind because they had us over last Sunday as well.  I happily accepted, though - as if I would turn them down?  Ha!

While dinner was being prepared, Ashley and I went to play games with the kids (Kevin was doing the cooking).  We played Jenga.  You remember the game where you stack logs by three's, alternating directions each layer and then take turns removing one log at a time until it falls?  I'd never played before, and it was easy to learn but harder to actually "do".  Playing against Michael,  Ashley and I took turns toppling the tower.  Next out came checkers, and I played against Michael.  Mind you he's just six.  Now I haven't played checkers in over 20 years, and then didn't play often, but I know the rules.  However, I misjudged the skill level of my opponent.  Remember, he's just six years old.  I was suffering.  I moved and he countered until I had no moves without risking capture.  I did manage to get one of my men kinged (he had about 3 plus had taken about 5 of mine).  I got a few of his, but I was in trouble, and the call to dinner saved me from complete humiliation.  Kevin offered to take a picture of the board so we could continue later, but I said I need to brush up on my checker playing skills first.

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