Monday, October 15, 2018

The Wrath of Michael

How dear the woods are! You beautiful trees! I love every one of you as a friend. -Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea, 1909

The handiwork of Tropical Storm Michael as he made his way north, pausing long enough on his journey to topple some trees and take down power lines.

This is the second time this year we have lost an old, beloved Pecan tree. Farewell my friend, you were well loved.

There is something wrong with this picture. That is what's left of the power to the house (thankfully not the one we're currently living in). The rest is a hanging somewhere in another tree.

When Hurricane Florence was heading toward the coast, we were all making preparations. Even those of us who live well inland were cautioned that we could get severe weather. After all the predictions, thankfully she steered away from us, and all we got were a few sticks in the yard and a couple inches of rain.

Then along came Michael who kind of sprang up out of nowhere and quickly became a record-breaking monster, leaving very little time to prepare or leave. What happened here cannot remotely compare to the devastation along the Florida Panhandle, but Michael did leave us with downed trees, widespread power outages and flooding.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering in Florida and all along the path of the storm.

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

It's Pumpkin Season

Oh how we love pumpkin season. You did know this gourd-ish squash has it's own season, right? Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin...We anxiously anticipate it every year.  - Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer

I must confess, I am not the biggest fan of pumpkin. My favorite has to be the pumpkin roll, but I think that has more to do with the yummy cream cheese filling than anything pumpkin related.

It seems, though, that pumpkin-fever is here to stay for a while and everyone one is jumping on the pumpkin train. I wrote a post last year for the October writing challenge I was participating in called "Everything Is Coming Up Pumpkins". There you can read all about pumpkin products and trivia.

Now that fall is well underway, I'm hope I can find one of those delicious pumpkin rolls for an upcoming event next weekend. 😋 

Happy Pumpkin-ing y'all!

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Flag Day 2018

Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

 Francis Scott Key, The Star-Spangled Banner

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Just Say When!

I am Summer, come to lure you away from your computer... come dance on my fresh grass, dig your toes into my beaches. - Oriana Green

While it isn't technically summer for another few weeks, the weather in our neck of the woods deems it to be summer, so we are gearing up. Here are our new beach chairs. 😎

Two years ago I got new beach towels and dolphin towel clips, and last year some friends gave us a new umbrella. As you can see this is a process of selection and collection. Now I'm ready! The only question is when???

Let me know in the comments if you are a beach gal (or guy) like me, and where you like to beach best.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What's Up?

So what do you write about when you have nothing share-worthy rolling around the ol' noggin? Crickets!

Okay, so let's talk about my day. It began with breakfast of one-half of a cinnamon and raisin bagel followed by a 45-minute aerobics class. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have calories leftover from that.

The afternoon was equally intriguing as I sprayed the second version of homemade weed killer on my test subjects, bleached the dickens out of my shower curtain liner, and made multiple trips up and down the basement steps and in and out the back door.

Awesome, right? I know...

I now have my dinner in the oven...meatloaf. What? You were expecting a 5-star, 3-course meal and fancy cocktails? I will be serving this beefy deliciousness with the dried hash browns that are now re-hydrating since I was too busy (or lazy) to go to the store for more potatoes.

To add to this fascinating tale, upon coming in from mowing, hubby announces that he has a meeting at 7:00, and is going to shower. 

"Didn't I mention that to you?" 

"Yeah, weeks ago."

Needless to say, dinner will be more of a sprint than a marathon.

So, how goes your day?

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