Monday, April 2, 2012

Quote of the Week

If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere.   - Vincent Van Gogh

Even amongst the dead leaves, I found this brilliant beauty.  Everywhere you turn, there is something to see - all we have to do is look.  Nature will surprise and delight us every time.


  1. This is true. Lovely find.

  2. A fabulous quote, Linda, and an amazing find of beauty.

  3. Wow! What a way to come back from your spring break, Linda! Now I really wish you'd send me some of your photos for this crazy meme we're doing!

  4. Meleah- Thanks. You never know what you're going to find just strolling around your yard.

    Hilary- Thank you!

    Talon- Thanks. It really stood out, almost like it was posing.

    Nicky- Thank you. I am enjoying all the great pictures/posts. Should be an interesting month.

  5. It is so true. It's only we really look into Nature, that we see special things, like your leaf. In today's busy rush-rush of life, spots of beauty get missed because we don't stop and look around us.

    Great quotes and wonderful picture:~)

  6. Thanks Babs. Hope blogging is going better for you now.

    Sara- There is neat stuff all around us, sometimes only mere steps from our front door.


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