Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Afternoon Thoughts

It is another chilly day in the sunny South. We never got any snow in my area, nor sub-zero temps, but mind you it did get down into the teens for several nights. It is supposed to warm up in a few days and then the rains return.

This was a typical Sunday afternoon, going to lunch after church. We went to McDonald's for their Big Mac deal, buy one get the second for a dollar, and then a quick stop at Dollar Tree (now $1.25 Tree).

In days gone by, there would have been a group of us meet up after the service to decide where to go for lunch. Well, when the plague hit in 2020, that put an end to that. Services were streamed and group lunches were a thing of the past.

Even when we were "allowed" to go back to in-person worship, things were changed forever. There is now one service at 10 a.m. Hubby and I still get lunch out and perhaps pick up a few things at the store on the way home like today.

Another thing I have noticed is how people respond now to getting sick. Do you remember when folks got a cold, or the flu, they would just say "I've had the crud"? Now it seems at the first sniffle, they get themselves tested. Unless you're seriously ill, why bother? Just my opinion, of course. 

I had the flu in early 2020 before the Vid was officially in our state. It was the same as any other time I had the flu. Now I must be clear here that it was a "flu-like illness" since I have never been tested for the flu (or anything else for that matter). 

Here it is four years later and the most I've had since is a very minor cold back in September. Could it have been the "thing"? Possibly, but most likely not. What would it matter anyway?

Now I'm not a doctor and don't give medical advice. You do what works for you and I'll do what works for me. 

Until next time, see ya round!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Getting Inked or Not

The prompt for Day 2 of the 20 Days of Chill writing challenge is Inked.

When Gina picked up her daughter after school, Tamara told her mom she wanted a tattoo. "I'm thinking about a spider web and a black widow hanging in the center. 

When her Gina said no way, Tamara brought up the age-old reasoning of every teenager, "but Mom, Jody has one." Jody was a new kid at her school and she was also goth. "Hers is really cool, and she said it didn't even hurt...much." Gina wasn't sure she liked this new friendship and felt Jody might be a bad influence on Tamara.

Her mom responded with the parental logic of, "so if everyone else walked off the cliff, would you follow?" This was typical of many of their mom/daughter discussions, and usually resulted in Tamara huffing off to sulk, and her mom sighing in disbelief at the stubbornness of teens.

"Please" begged Tamara again.

"No! For the last time NO. You are not getting a tattoo" her mom said emphatically. To her it was absolutely unthinkable to "decorate" one's body in such a manner, besides, no one under the age of 18 could get a tattoo without parental permission.

The final word had come down. "No one in this family gets inked! End of discussion!"

When they got home, Tamara marched into the house and to her room where she promptly slammed the door.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Gettin' Cheesy With It

 Well, ladies and gents, it looks like we have a chill in the air. 20 Days of Chill to be exact. The January writing challenge is back in gear, so let's see if I can get motivated. The first prompt is "Gettin' Cheesy With It".

So what do we mean when we say something is cheesy? Cheap, tacky, lacking in taste? 

That's one way to look at it, but I much prefer to take a culinary view, and that is definitely not lacking in taste. On the contrary, it is quite tasty. In addition to it's delectable goodness, here are some interesting and unusual facts about, you guessed it, cheese.

  • The calcium in cheese makes it great for your teeth and bones. 
  • Cheese can help you sleep.

  • Some cheeses are safe for the lactose intolerant.
  • The same bacterium causes both smelly cheese and smelly feet. 
  • The world's most expensive cheese is made with donkey milk.
  • It's not the carbon dioxide that causes holes in cheese, but instead it is tiny flecks of hay in the milk.
  • Mice don't actually like cheese. [It is my personal experience that they DO like peanut butter.]

Click here for the full story, and don't forget to visit the other participants.


Monday, December 18, 2023

Make me a Dream

Image source: Pixabay

Dream maker, dream maker, dream maker man
Make me a dream in your dream maker pan

Make it with sugar and make it with spice
Make it with everything happy and nice

Make it with silver and make it with gold
Make it with stories that ne'er have been told

Make it with sunshine and make it with rain
Make it with wheels from a slow moving train

Make it with ashes and make it with pine
Make it with wonder and all things divine

Dream maker, dream maker, dream maker man
Make me a dream in your dream maker pan

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

As The Seasons Change - New for 2024 on Rosie B. Designs

Front Cover

My 2024 calendar is out on Rosie B. Designs. I bought one so I could see for myself what it looked like in print. Here is a preview of a couple months and the cover. These are just cell phone pics, so eh.

However, the quality of the printing and the materials is very good. I got the large, and believe me when I tell you, it is large. [Note to self, get a smaller size next time.] 

Keep in mind that these dimensions are closed. The length will be double when open, so plan for your space when you order. There is a link below so you can see all 12 months, and your options for style, wire color, etc.

All pictures are my original digital artwork as indicated on the back cover.

Small: 5.5”l x 7”w
Medium: 8.5”l x 11”w
Large: 11”l x 14.25”w

