Monday, February 29, 2016

What Are You Doing Today?

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. - Ralph Marston

The things you do each day impact each of the following days. For example, working out or even walking with a friend or strolling alone with your thoughts, can change how you feel tomorrow. Making good choices today, whether it's exercise, the food you eat or what you allow into your thoughts, put you in a better place for the days ahead.

What are you doing today to prepare for a better tomorrow? 

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Where's The Pizza?

Nobody's perfect, and our fondest memories of anyone are of the hilarious ways they proved it. - Robert Brault

Oops, no pizza in here.
This is so true!  Around our house there is always something to laugh about, and it is usually the stupidest simplest thing that sets off another round of guffaws.

Most of the time I am the one who does or says something that triggers it, and I am the one who laughs the hardest. But a few weeks ago on pizza night, Hubby got his turn.

It's always his job to pull the pizza out of the oven when it's done. Now what you need to know here is that the oven and the dishwasher are both black and right next to each other.  So with the over-sized oven mitts he got for Christmas, he goes to retrieve the pizza, stands squarely in front of the dishwasher, and starts to open the latch, pause..."wait, that's not right." 

We all have those days don't we?  Care to share, or tell on someone else?

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Monday, February 15, 2016

A Clean Slate

Whatever your past has been your future is spotless. - unknown

Our past may hold the stains of our mistakes, but what lies ahead has yet to be touched by our words and deeds.  Our future is a clean slate. How clean can we keep it once it becomes our present?

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Monday, February 8, 2016

When Easy Becomes Difficult

There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly. - Publius Terentius Afer

Publius Terentius Afer, better know in English as Terence, was a playwright whose comedies were performed back in 170-160 BC. He was of North African descent and brought to Rome as a slave by a Roman Senator who educated him and subsequently freed him. He wrote six plays, all of which survived.

I think what Terence is saying here is that no matter how easy the task, if it's something we dislike doing, and possibly procrastinate, it becomes difficult. Like, for example, unloading the dishwasher. It is a simple task that no one enjoys doing, therefore it becomes a painful job to be avoided.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pass It On

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. - Maya Angelou

You know that feeling you get when you see a rainbow? Happy and filled with wonder and joy. Let's try and pass on that same feeling to others around us.

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