Friday, June 5, 2015


It was a sad day when we had our old maple systematically disassembled. The tree was still full of life, but losing the battle with substance. It had a hollow so large we could have rented it out. 

It was outside the bedroom window and if it fell, at worst we could be squashed, at the very least it would mean major repairs. We had avoided that decision far too long for comfort. Each ice storm or wind gust took us closer to calamity.

The team of tree removal specialists got the job done quickly and efficiently, and cleaned up after themselves. Watch the video to see one of their trickier maneuvers.

All that was left was the trunk, which was taken down in sections.  This was done about two years ago. The stump remains and the grass is beginning to grow back in where it had died out because of the dense shade. I miss that old tree, but a couple Mimosa trees have sprouted along the fence - I'll take them in trade.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

Quote of the Week

Always when judging
Who people are,
Remember to footnote
The words "So Far."
- Robert Brault

We are all constantly changing, evolving and becoming who we are meant to become. However, we are not there yet, and during our journey we may hit a few bumps along the way. Let's give each other the benefit of not judging an unfinished work of art.

Pictured is our sweet Sophie, and at the ripe old age of 9, she is still evolving. She was always a quiet cat but having been an only cat for more than six months she is now talking more...a lot more.

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

I don't have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world. - Ronald Reagan

Image Source: Chris Waits
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day.  Let us all remember those who gave their lives that we might have the freedom to have a happy ending.

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Quote of the Week

Laughter is like a windshield wiper, it doesn't stop the rain but allows us to keep going. - Anonymous

Laughter just may be nature's best medicine...good for the mind, body and spirit. Never mind the rain - bring some laughter into your life and see how far you can go.

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Monday, May 11, 2015

Quote of the Week

I think therefore I am - Ren̩ Descartes (1596 Р1650)

Image Source: Wikipedia
This sprang from the conclusion that while what he was thinking might be wrong, the fact that he was thinking proved that he existed.

After he was satisfied that he did, indeed, exist, he went on to ponder in what form he existed.  He knew himself to exist as a thinking thing but at that point was not sure whether he actually had a body.

Perhaps he did not have a mirror in which to see himself. But philosophically speaking, he may not trust what his eyes beheld...or did he have eyes?

I don't pretend to understand philosophy, but I believe that it calls for deep thinking. That is the reason for many of the quotes I make us think beyond just the surface, or the face value of the words.

This post goes out today to my nephew who graduated this past weekend with degrees in philosophy and mathematics. Chris, we are very proud of you and your accomplishments.

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