Monday, May 5, 2014

Quote of the Week

The impossible can always be broken down into possibilities. - Unknown

For example, when faced with what seems to be an impossible task, take a step back and review what really needs to be done.  Divide it into smaller segments that can be accomplished more easily and you will begin to see progress.  The more headway you make, the more motivated you become and you will soon see that the once "impossible" task is on it's way to completion.


  1. This a really good quote and I like your take on it:~)

    It's so true how a task can seem impossible, but when I take the time to consider it in "digestible" bites, it does make it easier.

    I hope life is treating you well...only a few more days before home life is back to normal. In the meantime, take care of yourself, okay?

  2. Thanks Sara! Living life one bite at a time...

  3. That is such good advice. I try to work like that when I have a huge challenge. Right now it is my house. So much clutter after so many busy years with kids. I decided once and for all I am tackling it. But to do it all by myself... so overwhelming. So instead of giving up, I am doing one small section at a time. And you know what? When you do one section and you look at it next to another section that is done, it all builds up and looks great!


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