Showing posts with label Musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musings. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Well Do You Know Your ABCs?
Today is one of those days that I said "Wow, today is Wednesday and I have nothing prepared.  What to do?  I have been absorbing all the hints, tips and tricks for finding topics found in the forum at Tribal Blogs.  I decided to utilize some of what I've read, and the result is today's post.

Jumbled Words

Now we've all seen this kind of thing before, but it seems there was an unsubstantiated study into how the human brain interprets words.  It takes the position that only the first and last letters are needed for us to translate the text.  Take a look at the following paragraph and try to read it like you normally would. 

"Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."*

So, did it make sense?  It seems fairly simple, and I think that the context of the sentence has significant influence our ability to interpret this.  As the "study" indicates it is because we do not read individual letters, but the entire word.

I tried my hand at a nonsensical jumbled word sentence.

The gnait tdedy baer csuemond smliy fsih form a snaagtnt pnod, and sqsetnelubuy tosfrenaemrd itno a pophatchyisc sraeil knlilig mtsoner.

Did your brain translate as you read?  What does it say?

Whether or not there have actually been studies done on this, it is still amazing that despite all the misspellings, we can still read it.  What are your thoughts and theories?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Does Chinese Food Leave You Empty?

You know what they say about eating Chinese food?  That you'll be hungry an hour later.  Well, this is an actual fortune from a Chinese fortune cookie.  I'd say someone had quite the sense of humor.

But seriously, haven't you wondered why?  You eat and eat until you can't stuff any more in, and in a short time you are feeling munchy again. 

Here are several theories regarding this widely experienced phenomenon.
  • MSG acts as an appetite stimulate, so you may feel hungry shortly after eating.
  • Carbs, especially those with a high glycemic index, makes you feel full but they digest faster than vegetables and do not keep you full as long.
  • Chinese meals tend to be less rich in fat than what our bodies consider the norm.  Since it takes fats longer to move through the digestive system than carbs, a less fatty meal will leave you feeling hungry sooner. 
Do any of these theories hold water, or are we just programmed by years of hearing the phrase "you will be hungry again in one hour", leaving us with that expectation?
    Does this happen to you?  What are some of your favorite Chinese dishes?

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Old Faithful

    We're not half way through winter and we’ve already had three snows, one of which was on Christmas Day.  Every time it snows, I dig out my trusty, old boots.  They’re like a faithful old friend, always there to keep my feet warm and dry.  They have great heart and soul…well actually great soles.  I never slip or slide, and they keep me going through sleet, snow and freezing, that's the mailman.  At any rate, they've seen me through long walks in the woods, up and down icy steps, and hours of sledding and snowman building.

    So what sparked a post about my snow boots, you ask?  It's like this.  I have had these boots for well over 30 years, (I probably got them in high school), and I mentioned them in a comment to my friend Cardiogirl, who's new boots have been possessed by the dreaded sock-twisting monster.  (She has since professed her love for her new boots despite the twisted lump of sock beneath her left foot. )

    She was amazed that I’d had the same pair of boots for that long, and wanted to see a picture and hear more about this phenomenon of 30-plus year old boots.  To start with, they are not fancy, slick or shiny.

    They are brown suede with a furry/fuzzy lining.  They lace up the front which makes them much easier to get on over your jeans, and at just under 12 inches, they have plowed through snow deeper than they are tall.  Yes...even in the South!  I absolutely adore my boots, and may have them another 30 years.

    The label shows they came from JC Penney, and I guess I paid around $10 for them – a good price even then.  They also have the distinction of being made in the U.S.A.  Sadly, not something you see so much today.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Detergent Bottle: Fail

    Does this ever happen to you?  Here you are about to tackle that mountain of laundry for which you would sacrifice your first born…a week’s worth of wine if you didn’t have to do it.   

    Your washer is filling as you reach for the detergent…you just opened a new one last week…and you open the bottle and start to pour the detergent into the measuring cap.   

    But wait…there’s no spout.  That’s funny, I could’ve sworn these bottles have pour spouts.  Anyway, you go ahead and pour because you’ve got to get the laundry started so you can get back to your wine go walk the dog.   

    Remember to pour carefully because, you know, there’s no spout.   

    And that’s when you see it!  Floating in the detergent…inside the the missing spout. 

    OK, this bottle is defective.  It happens sometimes.

    Did I say sometimes?  Try around a half dozen bottles over the last year.  At first I thought ALL was using crappy bottles.  Then my next bottle of WISK did the same thing.

    Dear ALL and WISK,

    I think you need to have a little one-to-one with your bottle supplier because consumers are getting tired of looking at this in the bottom of their bottle.   

    That’s where the worm is supposed to be.   

    Oops - wrong bottle…

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    More Snow in the South

    It's always news when snow hits the South.  Whether we get a lot or a little, the effects are usually the same.  Schools close, businesses open late, church services aren't held, and there are a bunch of wrecks.  While all that is the same time after time, the sights to behold are as different as the snowflakes themselves.

    This is what our street looked like when I went out for the paper.  Our paper carriers, bless their hearts, are dedicated to service.  I shudder to think of all they have to deal with just to deliver our morning newspaper each day.

    We went for a short walk yesterday, about an hour before dark, to snap a few pictures of our latest snow event.  This was one of the "little" ones, only measuring an inch, so landscape photos were not so special. 

    However Man and Nature joined forces to make these interesting spots on the pavement.  I'd seen an oil delivery truck in the neighborhood earlier, and wondered if it had a leak.  The oil, mixed with the melting snow, created a rainbow effect on the street.  Don't they look like eyes?

    This neighborhood has a number of small lakes or ponds, and was actually named for one of the lakes.  That lake, though, has long since been drained and houses built in it's place.  Bummer, I know.

    Anyway here is one of the larger lakes, and Mother Nature made some interesting designs in the ice.  There are round patches where the ice looks thinner and appears to be cracking from the center outward.  I think maybe these lakes are fed from underground springs, and maybe the comparatively warmer water is causing these spots.  Anyone have an idea?

    On another lake, three ducks were swimming on the unfrozen part of the lake.  The overflow runs down a large cement pipe at the edge of the lake, which you'll see in the next picture.

    Here is an interesting fellow.  I don't know what kind of duck he is, but he didn't seem to mind me snapping a few shots.  In this one he even turned to look over his back at me...or maybe he was just settling down for a nap.  Notice the water running over the pipe.

    At this point my hands were numb, the light was fading and it was time to head home and make dinner.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    It's Sophie's Choice

    It looks like Sophie has found a new place to catch up on her beauty sleep, or maybe she's planning to help me with the laundry.   What do you think?

    She was just starting to get down when I snapped the picture.  
    I guess I spoiled her nap. 

    Friday, December 31, 2010

    Happy New Year - Welcome 2011!

    Photo credit: Mike Gifford
    As 2010 prepares to slip away, what can we say to celebrate its passing?  Was it a stellar year filled with exotic getaways, and a new adventure around every corner?  No, it was a year with the normal ups and downs, some good times and some not so good times.  It was a year filled with friendship, love, laughter, and shared moments of both joy and sorrow.  Here's a little bit about what went on in my world in 2010.

    Early this year, we were touched with sadness by the loss of several friends due to illness.  My best friend and her husband lost his father to a long battle with ALS, and another friend and fellow wine society member, passed away unexpectedly. 

    My cat, Rosie, has experienced several bouts of diabetes this year.  The "fix" that controls it for him is Fancy Feast canned cat food.  No insulin shots is a good thing.  I'm thinking I should buy stock in Fancy Feast.

    In spite of the busy year, we had a wonderfully relaxing vacation in Florida, our favorite vacation spot.  Great weather, great food and just chilling out together - could it get any better?

    This winter, we had the most amazing gift of a white Christmas.  Yes, a white Christmas in the South.  It was truly beautiful.

    I also celebrated my first anniversary in the blogosphere by sharing some of the things I'd learned over the year.  This has been a very positive and eye-opening experience for me.  I've met some really great people through blogging, and I would like to thank everyone who comes by my little hole in the wall to read what I have to say.  Every visit and every comment means a lot, and helps keep me motivated to continue along my journey.

    As we move forward into the New Year, I wish each of you a great year, and many blessings for 2011.

    Happy New Year, everyone!

    Wednesday, December 8, 2010

    Sledding Down Memory Lane

    Many years ago there lived a little girl, and this little girl loved the snow, but she lived in the South where really good snows were rare.  Still, the little girl anxiously awaited the first snowfall (back then she didn’t mind the cold so much).  She would stare out the window at the field next door and study the sky and how it looked where it met the ground, and how the dried grasses waved with the wind.  She just knew snowflakes were about to fall.  Sure enough, one or two at a time, then more and more until it was really snowing.  She was so happy!  She would watch as it started sticking, piling up until everything was white.

    Photo courtesy of Magpie Tales
     When the snow was deep enough and packed down on the roads around her house, her Daddy would take her sledding.  Not just any sledding, mind you, this was special.  You see, her Daddy made some chains for his lawn mower and fashioned a hitch of sorts for her sled.  The little girl donned her snow clothes, boots and mittens, and out into her winter wonderland they went.  Her Daddy pulled her everywhere, up and down the hills, and all around the neighborhood.  Such fun they had!  He would slow up and then start again, making the sled jerk, and off she slid into the snow, laughing.  The first time was an accident, but it was so much fun, she did it over and over again.

    She’s been grown for some time now, but those long ago memories are sweet reminders of how special her childhood really was. 

    Written for Magpie Tales #44

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010

    Sunset and a Pizza

    Last month I posted about our wonderful get away to Florida.  Here is another little trip down our vacation memory lane. 

    One of the great things about our condo and it's location is that it was right across the street from John's Pass.  This is a hub-bub of activity with many great restaurants and shops, not to mention cruise boats, and other water sport rentals.  John's Pass has had several face lifts over the years we've been going to Madeira, but one thing remains the same.  That is DeLosa's Pizza!  They say it's the pizza that made John's Pass famous.

    They have an extensive menu, but our favorite is, of course, their pizza.  You can get it by the slice, a whole pie, eat in, take out, whatever you like.  Since we were within walking distance, we got one to go, and enjoyed what would be our most beautiful dining experience.

    The sunset that night was absolutely spectacular!  It was the perfect accompaniment for our pizza.  The colors were so brilliant that it almost looked like lava flowing down from the sky to sizzle in the cool water.  These pictures were taken from our balcony.

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    What's in a Name?

    Photo Credit:  Heather Ingram
    There was such a lovely full moon the other night, I just had to write about the it and what the full moons are called.  Did you know that each one has it's own name?  I had often heard my Mom speak of the Harvest Moon - you've heard that one popularized in song, and the Hunter's Moon.

    I never knew which was which, though, so I thought I'd find out and share that with you.

    The Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox. Although it usually occurs in September, about every four years or so it falls in October, and the latest the Harvest Moon can occur is October 7.  Most full moons rise around 50 minutes later each night, but the Harvest Moon is only 20-30 minutes later.  This would allow the farmers more light to gather their harvest, hence the name, Harvest Moon.  When the Harvest Moon falls on the Autumnal Equinox, it is called a Super Harvest Moon.  This occurred this year, and was the first one since 1991.

    The Hunter's Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon.  This full moon is named such because it's light allows hunters to track their prey.  In the days of old, this was necessary to put aside food for winter when the snows came, and the birds and animals were less plentiful.

    November's moon is often called the Beaver Moon because this was the time to set beaver traps, ensuring a good supply of furs for winter.  Again, this dates back to the days of trappers and mountain men. 

    December's moon is known by several names, the Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon.   It is aptly named as Cold Moon for the winter's cold temperatures, and Long Night Moon for long stretch of darkness over the winter night.  This moon is also visible for a long period of time each night.  It's high trajectory is due to the fact it is opposite a low sun.

    Full moons are always lovely to behold, and now we know a bit more about that big glowing orb that casts it's light upon our darkened earth.  Talon, a fellow blogger, captured the beauty of the full moon this past weekend. 

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Under the Weather?

    Ever wonder where the expression "under the weather" came from?
    With everyone waxing poetic about the beauty of fall, there is also a down side of this lovely season; it heralds the coming of the cold and flu season.  When we fall prey to these nasties, we tend to say that we are "under the weather".  Just this past weekend, I used that phrase myself and began to wonder of its origins.

    The phrase "under the weather" dates back to the 1800s.  When sailors would become seasick, they would be sent below deck to get away from the weather, thus literally being "under the weather".  Author Donald Grant Mitchell was the first to use this phrase in his 1850 book Reveries of a Bachelor, and it has since been used for everything from being "ill" or "indisposed" to "financially embarrassed" or "drunk".

    Some state that the correct term is "under the weather bow".  The weather bow is the side of the boat being hardest hit by the nasty weather.

    Also there is the belief that the weather can affect one's health, so a sick person is deemed to be "under the weather".  From this theory, it stands to reason that the weather can also influence a person's mood, rendering them under the weather as well.  This is documented as SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I touched on last fall in my post Just Another Monday.

    We all know the steps to staying healthy during the cold and flu season, but here's a recap so we don't have say, "Sorry, I can't.  I'm under the weather."

    • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, or use hand sanitizer when you can't wash.
    • Do not touch your face - nose, eyes, mouth - that is the germ's way into your system.
    • Keep your distance from those are already sick.
    • In turn, if you do get sick, stay home away from others.
    • And of course, cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough.

    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    It's Good to Get Away!

    Vacation is good.  It recharges those internal batteries that slowly lose power from too much stress, work, and deadlines.  All the things in our every day lives drains our batteries, even the good times, so it's good to take a break and get away from it all.

    That is what we did a few weeks ago to a place where the sun was shining, the breezes were warm, and there wasn't a drop of rain in sight.  That place was St. Petersburg, Florida, or more specifically, Maderia Beach.

    Madeira Beach in the Morning
    This was taken from our balcony.  What a great view!  It was past the early morning hour, and although the weather was warm, there were few people out.  I guess everyone else was already getting their breakfast [growl].

    Sandy Shore Condo

    This was our first experience with renting a condo, and it was definitely a good one.  We had a one bedroom unit with full kitchen, 2 TVs, a nice balcony and the whole wall facing the Gulf was glass.  There were assigned parking spaces, and our unit had covered parking.  This was a great choice, and I'd stay there again.  Oh, the heated pool was nice, too.

    I didn't see any, did you?
    On the trip down, we always stop at this rest area just as we get on I-75 around Gainsville.  This sign has always been there, but I haven't seen the first snake.  Apparently there was one...once upon a time.

    A Slimy Alligator
    What they don't warn you about is the alligator living in the slimy pond at that same rest area.  Go figure.  An alligator you can see vs. invisible poisonous snakes.  This pond is fenced in...which makes me wonder just how he got in there in the first place. 

    Kenny's Korner
    St. Pete has been our vacation spot for almost 20 years, and we continue to discover new places and things to do.  Over the years, we've seen places come and go.  Favorite  restaurants have been there one year and gone the next.  One place that has been there for over 60 years, and under present management for over 20, is Kenny's Korner.  It is a small restaurant in Reddington Beach that serves breakfast and lunch. 

    Beach at Ft. DeSoto
    No trip would be complete without a visit to Ft. DeSoto.  Ft. DeSoto is the largest park in Pinellas County, and is made up of 5 islands.  The fort was used in WWII as a gunnery and bombing range.  Besides the fort, there are several fishing piers, boat loading ramps, long stretches of gorgeous beach, bicycle paths (rental available), canoe and kayak rental, picnic areas and so much more.

    One of many "white birds"

    When you walk out onto the pier that extends 500 feet into the Gulf, you have a fantastic view, great fishing, and birds...of all kinds...everywhere.

    Don't mind me...just warming my buns.

    Last, but not least, is lunch at the Palm Pavillion in Clearwater.  It's an open, airy, beach restaurant/bar with plenty of outdoor seating on the deck shaded from the sun by many colorful umbrellas.   This year we had stone crab for the first time.  We pulled big, meaty pieces of sweet crab out of steaming hot shells and dipped them in melted butter.

    Palm Pavillion
    So much seafood, so little time.  We ate seafood every night except the first night on the way down.  What's my favorite seafood?  Just about anything that swims.

    Wednesday, October 20, 2010

    Blogging Categories: Where do you fall?

    Photo credit: Michel Wal
    We've come a long way from the ancient tablets where there ideas were carved into stone, and only those  present could view it.  Today our words go out to the entire world with the click of a key.  

    Creative Writing bloggers showcase their talent by putting words together to draw us into a story created from their own imagination, be it prose or poetry.  Examples can be found on Magpie Tales and One Shot Wednesday Poetry, to name a few.  I sort of stumbled into this type of writing at a time when I wanted to add new life into my own blog.

    Photography bloggers focus not on the written word, but rather how life is seen through the eye of the camera.  Beautiful pictures take us around the world season by season showing what many of us would otherwise never see.

    Bloggers who Teach know that while anyone can create a blog and start writing, it isn't as cut and dried as that.  More experienced writers, and those with a lot of natural talent may fare just fine.  For everyone else, there are those who teach about how to get readers, get comments, pinpoint our target audience, determine the tone of our blog, find our niche, and more.

    So the question is this, which of these categories do you fall into?  Does your blog blur the style lines?  What, if anything, would you change if you could have a do over, and what's stopping you?

    Friday, October 15, 2010

    Not Like Everyone Else

    Lilac, one of Mom's favorite flowers

    Mom once said "she's not like everyone else" about me, and I guess it's true. But what she didn't say was that she wasn't like everyone else either, and neither was Daddy.  They were very special people with no limit on their love or generosity.  I'm so blessed that these two people were my parents.

    Flash Friday 55

    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Wine and Llamas

    Last Sunday, Kevin and Ashley went wine tasting with us.  It was our first visit to the Divine Llama Vineyard, and it was lots of fun.  The tasting room is the property's original farmhouse.  Before it was restored, it was in such bad condition that the fire department refused to burn it down, so they chose to restore it instead.  The place is gorgeous, with a large front porch overlooking the vineyard.  They share the property with llamas, miniature horses, a miniature burro, several dogs, and cats and some 30 chickens.  Some of their wines are named after their llamas, who are raised as pets, and show animals only.

    It truly is a farm, with what looked like several acres of some type of beans out back.  From their house, just down the gravel drive, they have a great view of Pilot Mountain from every window.

    We tasted their array of wines, and they were all very good.  The last two in the lineup were slightly sweet, and not so much to my liking, but were still good wines.

    At Divine Llama, they grow Chardonnay, Chardonel, Traminette, Merlot, and Cabernet Franc.  The first three were dry white wines, and my favorites.  The wines in North Carolina have come a long ways since we began tasting them five years ago.

    We noticed as we drove in that there were still grapes hanging on the vines, so I asked if they had completed their harvest.  She said they had and the remaining grapes were left for the birds, etc.  The reason being that if they used all the grapes they would have  more wine than they could bottle and sell before the next harvest.  They produce about 12,000 bottles per year.  From my taste experience, I would think that soon they should be able to sell all they could bottle.

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    The End Of The Line

    End Bahnof, two small words with big meaning.  Picture this:  Two people... foreign country...with little knowledge of the language, but they didn't let that stop them.  They hopped the train into the city to go sightseeing and visit the zoo.  After a fun afternoon, and feeling quite proud of themselves, they boarded the train to return to their hotel.  Theirs was the last stop and so they waited.  End Bahnof came and went and still they sat...waiting for their stop...until...  The train finally came to a something like a tunnel, dark and deserted.  

    photo credit: wikipedia
    Concerned?  Yes.  Scared?  A little.  After what seemed like hours, but probably more like 15-20 minutes, the train started moving again.  When the doors opened again at the "first stop", they got off, in the face of all those people waiting to get on.  What do you suppose those people were thinking?  The train was supposed to be empty. 

    Who were those people, you ask?  Why, that would be me and my hubby, of course, in Germany, back a dozen or so years, and after sitting in what was probably a turnaround, we'll never forget the importance of End Bahnof. (Translation - end railway station, or the end of the line).

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    Ten Things I Have Learned From Blogging: Anniversary Edition

    Photo Credit:  nImA Destiny
    In celebration of  Roses to Rainbows' first year in the blogosphere, I would like to share with you some of the things I have learned and people I've met.

    1.  Getting comments.  After six months of the occasional visitor and no comments, I decided to look for help.  An internet search landed me on Barbara Swafford's Blogging Without a Blog.  She taught me the importance of reading and commenting on fellow bloggers' posts.  This is one of the most valuable lessons I learned, and led me to eventually write on the value of comments.

    2.  A new type of pen pal.  In years past, a pen pal was someone with whom you exchanged written letters, but probably had never met.  Nowadays, with the popularity of the internet, the pen pal has changed.  The computer screen has replaced stationery, and the keyboard has replaced the pen.  We frequently exchange thoughts with people we haven't met; does this make us pen pals?

    3.  People will give you things.  I got a lovely purple pen from my friend Margaret at Nanny Goats in Panties, that I use to rough out some of my posts.  She mentioned it in one of her posts, and I asked if she was selling them.  "No, but I'll send you one."  Thanks Margaret.

    4.  Writing can be fun.  I discovered Magpie Tales, a blog dedicated to creative writing.  Willow, from Life at Willow Manor, posts a picture prompt every week, and writers from all around the world participate with original short stories and poetry.

    5.  Writing can be frustrating.  There are also hours...days even...that you sit and stare at a blank screen or sheet of paper waiting for the right words to come along and bail your bloggy butt out of writing purgatory.  Here are my tips for beating writer's block.

    6.  Bloggers form support groups.
      Tribal Blogs is a network for serious bloggers, started by Jen of Redhead Ranting.  It is filled with friendly, supportive people willing to share information, and give advice (when asked, of course).

    7.  Blogs can take on a life of their own.
      I had different ideas about what my blog would become.  I wanted to create a source of local information to help people find good bargains and special events around town.  Problem - no local readers.  After finding #4, I began to realize that writing was more interesting to me and more appealing to others, thus changing the focus of my blog.

    8.  "Build it and they will come" does not apply to blogging.
      When I first started out, I thought I could just create a blog, publish posts and wait for people to show up.  Well, I guess that is true in part...the waiting part.  See Item #1.

    9.  What widgets and gadgets really are.  I thought widgets and gadets were things usually found in one's junk drawer.  They are actually those little blocks found on your sidebar, containing code that put text and/or graphics on your blog.  Speaking of the Junk Drawer, "Hi Kathy".

    10.  I have a lot more to learn.  I guess this is the most important thing I have learned thus far.  I am learning every day, by reading, experimenting; what works, and what doesn't.  It is all part of the process of blogging, and I am happily looking forward my next year in the blogosphere.

    I have met so many helpful and encouraging people that I couldn't begin list them all here, but you know who you are.  I do want to send out a special thank you to my friend Sara from A Sharing Connection.  She has been right there encouraging me ever since the first comment I left on her one of her photo story posts. This was my initial venture into creative writing.

    The Quote of the Week will return next week.

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Isn't that Entrancing?

    ENTRANCE - to put into a trance; to fill with delight or wonder.
    ENTRANCE - the means by which to enter; the act of entering.

    The same spelling, different pronunciations, and different meanings.  OK, are you with me so far?

    Some years ago, hubby and I went to one of those Home & Garden Expos, and window shopped and fantasized about all the things we could with our house, or at least the house we aspired to have one day.  We talked to people and collected brochures.  At home later that evening, I was sitting cross-legged on the bed pouring over the brochures we picked up; one in particular and, puzzled about something that just didn't seem right, I asked "What's an ENTRANCE"?

    And hubby says, "Let's see?  Hmmm...ah..."

    Then I get The Look.  How dumb did I feel?  

    Where you place the accent does make a difference.

    Anything like this ever happen to you?

    Saturday, August 28, 2010

    Verbal Confusion

    OK, so we get in the car to go for lunch.  The A/C is on and it hits hubby right in the face.  Now I drove the car last, and even though he is some 9 inches taller than me, the seat height adjustment puts our faces at approximately the same level.  That means that when I have the three closest vents pointing at my poor, overheated face, he gets a face full the next time he drives.  "You have all three vents blowing on your face?"  My explanation is this:  "Well, when I've been out and I'm hot and I'm stuff."  "So is that a roundabout way of saying that you're hot stuff?"  At which I laugh so hard I could barely breathe.  

    Isn't it great when you can have a good laugh at yourself?

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Those Who Read Blogs Together

    Have some odd conversations.  Here's a couple blurbs from last night.

    Hubby said, "Redhead had a new one 8 hours ago."  
    Me:  "Yeah, I read it, the one about..." 
    Him:  "eHarmony Fail."  
    "Yeah, that one."  He reads for a minute then asks, "what about that guy she had the date with?" 
    "I don't know - someone asked the same question, but I read, commented and moved on.   I haven't been back yet to see if she said anything about it." 

    "Did you read Babs Beetle?"  
    Me:  "I did."  
    Him:  "She has closed angle glaucoma."  
    Me:  "Same as me." 
    As he read through the comments, he noticed one where someone using eye drops not only missed her eye, but actually missed her entire face.  As he started to remark on that, he realized it was my comment, and said "I thought that sounded familiar", and I said, "that would be me."

    I blog and he reads.  I think he got into it when I showed him the now famous Junk Drawer.  Any of y'all share your favorite reads?