Monday, September 12, 2011

Quote of the Week

Image Source: Wikipedia
Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul.    
- Thomas Merton

No matter whether it is big or small, tragic or joyful, there is something to be gained from each moment lived.  We are the sum total of all of our moments.


  1. There are some moments I could have lived without, though :-)

  2. Nicky- I have had some of those moments, too, but they are all part of what made us who we are today.

  3. Ha. Like Nicky, there are some moments, I'd like to forget and/or "do over".

  4. I regret nothing. It got me where I am, and who I am today. Wise words!

  5. Linda,

    I'm with Nicky...there are moments I would have liked to skip, even with the life lesson that came with them.

    However, the point is well made. We get our moments as they come and it's a good idea to live them as best we can.

    Thanks for sharing this quote and your interpretation of it:~)

  6. Meleah- I have some moments that I would like a "do over" on as well.

    Linda- You are lucky, and probably an exception to the rule.

    Sara- It seems some of us have moments we would just as soon erase, but I guess we should take what we've got and make the best of it.


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